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God the Father allowed God the Son to be the creator of all things. Ephesians 3:9
The gentiles werent in Gods plan of redemption. It was only for the Jews, but because of many Jewish people rejecting Jesus as the Messiah, Gods grace allowed the gentiles to also be partakers of the plan of salvation. God did this to make the Jews jealous. Ephesians 2:19
There is no elevation by God to sainthood. This is a practice instituted by men. All those that come to Jesus into the family of God, are called saints. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Ephesus addresses the church on a whole as saints. Ephesians 1:1
Joseph had sexual relationship with Mary after she gave birth to Jesus. Matthew 1:25
It was a public disgrace to have a child without being married. Matthew 1:18-19
It's not in the Bible how many wise men went to Bethlehem to worship Jesus.
Matthew 2:1&2
King Herod was a serial killer Matthew 2:16
The Apostle Peter's mother-in-law was ill and Jesus healed her. Matthew 8:14-15
The same power that Jesus had been given by God to heal the sick has been given to those that believe. Matthew 9:8
Did you know that Eve ate a fruit, not necessarily an apple? Genesis 3:6
God told Eve if they just touched the fruit of good and evil, they would die. They did both. Gen. 3:3
Did you know when the wise men found Jesus it took 2 years and when they saw him he was a young child in a house. Matthew 2:11
The only mediator between God and man is the man Christ Jesus. No other person or saint is listed as a go between. 1 Tim. 2:5
Did you know when the wise men found Jesus, they brought Him expensive gifts and worshipped Him, not Mary. Matthew 2:11
One can't find anywhere in scripture the reverence given to Mary that is given her today. In the gospel of Luke chapter 1 he shares the most about Mary. One never reads about any of the 12 apostles speaking to or about Mary. Their reverence was only toward Jesus.
Simeon was told by God he would not die until he had seen the Savior. Luke 2:26
Jesus' parents took him at 8 days old to be circumcised. Luke 21 & 22
Simeon went to the temple courts and held Jesus. Now he could die for he had seen God's salvation. Luke 2:27-30
Simeon spoke to Mary that many hearts will be convicted of sin through Jesus and your soul also will be convicted of your sin. Luke 2:24a-35
Jonah was in the belly of a great fish. It might have been a whale, one doesn't know. Scripture doesn't say. Jonah 1:17
Not only is Jesus our mediator, but He is the only way to salvation. Acts 4:12
Mary was not without sin. She recognized Jesus as her own personal God and Savior. Luke 1:47
Jesus created the heavens and the earth. John 1:1-5
Jesus appears many times in Scripture in the Old Testament as the angel of the Lord.
Gen. 22:15-16
Hell is real in spite of man's opinion Matthew 10:28
One can't get to heaven by good works. Titus 3:5-7
The phrase "born again" is not one that has just been used the last 50 or 60 years. Man didn't create it, Jesus did. 2,000 years ago, Jesus was asked by a Jewish religious leader about the miracles he was doing. Jesus said you must be born again to see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
These two scriptures named the other brothers of Jesus and tell us that he also had sisters. Mark 6:3, Matthew 13:55,56
Jesus Himself downplayed the role of Mary giving birth to Him. Luke 11:27,28